Tag: dRPC

  • dRPC Product Update: Provider Features – Payouts

    dRPC Product Update: Provider Features – Payouts

    Hello, Provider community! We are pleased to introduce a new user-friendly feature for our global providers, dRPC provider payout. Now, you can manage your payouts and track your history directly within the dashboard. Payout to Wallet You can now conveniently request a payout to your wallet by selecting the necessary parameters, such as currency and…

  • Alchemy vs Infura vs dRPC

    Alchemy vs Infura vs dRPC

    While Web3 space is growing, developers are increasingly looking for reliable and efficient infrastructure providers. This article compares three popular blockchain infrastructure providers: dRPC vs Alchemy vs Infura. By evaluating their features and services, we aim to help developers choose the best platform for their specific needs. *Plus add-ons Detailed Analysis for dRPC vs Alchemy…

  • How to Add a Premium Custom RPC on MetaMask

    How to Add a Premium Custom RPC on MetaMask

    If you’re looking to upgrade your MetaMask connection from a public RPC to a Premium RPC using dRPC.org, you’re in the right place. Our RPC Nodes for ETH also protects you from MEV Bots aka front-runners.   This guide will walk you through the process step-by-step. Step 1: Add the free custom RPC to MetaMask…

  • Centralized vs Decentralized RPC Nodes: The Ultimate Comparison

    Centralized vs Decentralized RPC Nodes: The Ultimate Comparison

    RPC nodes can be either centralized or decentralized. This choice affects accessibility, reliability, and security. Developers need to consider these factors when choosing the architecture. Let’s look at the differences between centralized and decentralized RPC nodes to understand this important aspect of technical infrastructure. Centralized vs. Decentralized RPC Nodes Centralized RPC nodes are easy to…

  • How dRPC’s free tier works

    How dRPC’s free tier works

    DRPC is a new service recently opened public access, providing a decentralized RPC provider for Ethereum networks. We have designed our network to offer cost-efficient, reliable, and secure access to nodes in a decentralized manner, using a node-balancing technique to optimize performance.

  • dRPC is re-establishing decentralization in the RPC market

    dRPC is re-establishing decentralization in the RPC market

    Decentralized RPC services are one of the vital core components of the entire Web3 ecosystem. And all of us should educate the community and newcomers about it to improve ecosystem decentralization, reliability, and overall quality of services.