Blocks info

The Blocks Info group retrieves detailed data from a specified block on the Arbitrum network, including transactions, receipts, and block-specific details. Key methods include:

eth_blockNumber : Retrieves the latest block number.
eth_getBlockByHash : Fetches block details by hash.
eth_getBlockByHash#full : Retrieves full block details by hash.
eth_getBlockByNumber : Retrieves block data by number.
eth_getBlockByNumber#full : Fetches full block details by number.
eth_newBlockFilter : Creates a filter for new blocks.
eth_getBlockReceipts : Retrieves receipts for a given block.
eth_getBlockTransactionCountByHash : Gets the transaction count of a block by its hash.
eth_getBlockTransactionCountByNumber : Gets the transaction count of a block by its number.

These methods provide developers with essential tools for block monitoring and analysis.

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