Transactions Info#

Provides data about specific transactions, transaction history, and related transaction operations.

getTransactions: Fetches transaction history for a specified address.
getBlockTransactions: Retrieves transactions within a specified block.
getBlockTransactionsExt: Offers extended details about all transactions within a block.
tryLocateTx: Searches for a specific transaction across multiple blocks.
tryLocateResultTx: Locates the result of a transaction within the blockchain,
tryLocateSourceTx: Searches for the originating source of a transaction.
transactions: Retrieves a list of transactions.
transactionsByMessage: Fetches transactions associated with a specific message.
transactionsByMasterchainBlock: Retrieves all transactions contained within a specified masterchain block
adjacentTransactions: Retrieves transactions that are adjacent to a specified transaction

Transaction methods facilitate tracking and locating specific transactions, making it easier to audit transaction history and verify transaction details across the blockchain.

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