Debug and trace#

Available only on the paid tier. Allows tracing transactions, inspecting block execution, and replaying transactions or blocks for detailed analysis.

arbtrace_filter : Filters trace data based on criteria.
arbtrace_block : Traces execution of all transactions in a block.
arbtrace_replayBlockTransactions : Replays block transactions for debugging.
arbtrace_replayBlockTransactions#vmTrace : Provides VM-level trace during block replay.
debug_traceBlockByHash : Traces a block by its hash.
debug_traceBlockByNumber : Traces a block by its number.
arbtrace_transaction : Traces a specific transaction.
debug_traceTransaction : Provides detailed trace data for a transaction.
arbtrace_replayTransaction : Replays a transaction for debugging.
arbtrace_replayTransaction#vmTrace : Provides VM-level trace during transaction replay.
arbtrace_callMany : Executes multiple trace calls.
arbtrace_get : Retrieves trace data by criteria.
arbtrace_call : Executes a trace call.
debug_traceCall : Traces a specific call without state change.

These methods provide advanced debugging capabilities, enabling developers to trace execution flows, analyze failed transactions, and inspect block behavior on the Arbitrum network.

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