Network info#

Offers aggregate data related to the overall network status and operational metrics.

getEpochInfo : Retrieves information about the current epoch.
getEpochSchedule : Provides the schedule for the current epoch.
getFeeForMessage : Returns the fee for processing a specific message.
getHighestSnapshotSlot : Fetches the highest snapshot slot in the network.
getGenesisHash : Retrieves the hash of the genesis block.
getRecentPerformanceSamples : Provides recent performance metrics for the network.
getFirstAvailableBlock : Returns the first available block in the chain.
getMinimumBalanceForRentExemption : Fetches the minimum balance required for rent exemption.
getFees : Returns the current fee structure for transactions.
getFeeCalculatorForBlockhash : Provides the fee calculator for a specific blockhash.
getRecentPrioritizationFees : Retrieves recent prioritization fees for transactions.

These methods are essential for monitoring the operational status of the Solana network.

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