Blocks info#
Retrieves detailed information about a specific block using its number or hash.
eth_blockNumber : Retrieves the most recent block number.
eth_getBlockByHash : Fetches block details by hash.
eth_getBlockByHash#full : Returns full block details by hash.
eth_getBlockByNumber : Retrieves block data by number.
eth_getBlockByNumber#full : Fetches full block details by number.
eth_newBlockFilter : Available only on paid tier. Creates a filter for new blocks.
eth_getBlockReceipts : Fetches receipts for all transactions in a block.
eth_getBlockTransactionCountByHash : Retrieves the number of transactions in a block by its hash.
eth_getBlockTransactionCountByNumber : Returns the number of transactions in a block by its number.
These methods help monitor and analyze blockchain activity on Optimism.